Mogadishu Talks Delayed Indefinitely

 The meeting between the Somali federal government and member states that was called off on Thursday, and is expected to open on tomorrow is unlikely now, due to Jubbaland president Ahmed Madobe’s and Galmudug president Qoorqoor both leaving the capital.

The much anticipated meeting was intended to bring together regional leaders of states along with president Farmaajo to adopt a unified position on the election model that will be used in the upcoming 2020/2021 polls and to complete the outstanding issues in the Dusamareb 3 Conference that was held mid last month. However, the meeting could not take off on Sept 10 as planned. 

Insiders believed that the arrival of the regional presidents is a great step towards finding a resolution for an agreed upon process that will lead to an election to take place in the country. Sources say that there is still a standoff between President Farmajo and Jubbaland leader Ahmed Mohamed Islam, who is demanding that federal government troops must begin withdrawing from Gedo Region before talks commence.

Somalia's problems a decade ago are still the same. These include insecurity, lack of a permanent constitution, a broken justice system, poverty and generally weak institutions. President Mohamed Farmaajo, the incumbent, has been faced with criticism for failing to address these issues.

Somalia needs a President who can nurture the socio-economic and political healing process of the society, a president who can deal with the difficult political settlement issues, a president who will make security a priority. Somalis have a good sense of who they want to lead their country, but they have to be given a chance to elect their leaders, an advisor to President Farmaajo said.

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