Somalia's Farmaajo Adds Insult to Injury

Mohamed "Farmaajo" Mohamed was sworn in as President of Somalia February of 2017 and rode into office on a wave of Somali nationalism not witnessed in decades. But just 6 months into his presidency, Farmaajo set the tone for the kind of administration he was gonna run by extraditing decorated Ogaden War hero and a member of the ONLF "Qalbi Dhaqax" to Ethiopia. 

A nation infamous for their abuse of political prisoners. That treasonous act only grew more treasonous when instead of apologizing Farmaajos administration doubled down on their decision to extradite Qalbi Dhaqax by labeling the ONLF as a "terrorist organization". 

Even with wide scale protests all over the world condemning these 2 acts, Farmaajo has yet to apologize for his betrayal of a Somali war hero. These acts set the stage for an administration that has created an ever-growing rift between the federal governments agenda and that of Somalis living outside of Mogadishu.

President Farmaajo came into office promising to eradicate Al Shabaab within two years. Not only has the president failed to do this, but security has deteriorated under his presidency. On October 14th, 2017 the country saw a level of violence not witnessed in decades when more than 500 residents of Mogadishu were bombed to death in twin attacks. 

The governments response to these attacks and deaths of civilians has not weakened Al Shabaab at all as they continue their attacks on the capital on a weekly basis, something unseen since pre-2010. To add insult to injury, the citizens of Mogadishu trying to make a living now have to pay a tax to Al Shabaab in order to remain safe and protect their livelihoods.

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