Pro-al-Shabab Appointed New PM

Under pressure from Qatar, Somali President Farmajo has chosen political novice, Mohamed Hussein Roble, as prime minister, connecting power around the position ahead of elections due next year. Roble replaced Hassan Ali Khaire, who was dismissed in July over a power struggle whether to delay a national election due next year.

The new Prime Minister has a lot of tasks to do in his menu during this short time mandate. The major challenges ahead may include but not limited to managing the transition period of the fragile country, ensuring holding timely elections, dealing with the rampant corruption and preparing the security of the election and the country in general. 

However, president Farmaajo urged PM Roble to urgently form a cabinet that can serve his political ambitions and pave the way for achieving Qatar's agenda in the horn of Africa, regardless of Somalia's national interests.

Mr Roble, a Somali-Swedish national, has an environmental engineering background but has no political experience. Few know that he has been particularly selected to support Farmajo in his quest for an unconstitutional term extension.

According to a well placed intel sources, the militant group al-Shabab has aggressively lobbied for Roble , who was coordinating their acts of terror in a low profile and secret process, to be selected as Somalia's new prime minister. 

Since President Farmajo’s government allied itself with Qatar and Turkey, those two countries had been heavily investing in the security and military sectors of Somalia in order to have a foothold to counter the wider Arab countries who are opposed to their support, leniency to Islamist movements in the Muslim world.

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