Qatari Patronage of Somalia

Qatar is spending billions of dollars to have the present Somali president in power. Qatari envoy to Somalia Hassan Bin Hamsa held a closed-door meeting with 3 Federal States leaders to lend a hand to president Farmajo to get a new term in office. The cause for the meeting with the 3 leaders is to have them supporting time period extension, by way of endorsing one-person-one-vote model which might result in the extend of elections. 

The 3 leaders paintings intently with Villa Somalia, and their victories raised integrity questions, with Galmadug and Southwest reporting chaos. Absent from each conferences had been Puntland President Mentioned Abdullahi Deni and his Kismaayo counterpart Ahmed Islam Mohamed Madobe, who’re essential of Villa Somalia.

Rather than help Somalia, Qatari money worsened the situation. Efforts to build up a unified, functional, and democratic Somali state during this period are going nowhere. There are several false starts interspersed both with Islamist rule and Qatari-Turkish interference. 

The Federal Government of Somalia so far has failed to create a functioning government. The logic of the federal government is the acceptance of Somalia's clan politics. Instead, Somalia's six states including Somaliland had local autonomy with only a loose association with the central government.

Farmajo's government has experienced a total collapse and Somalia does not have the capacity to hold meaningful elections.

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